Preserved is Better – Sweet Pepper Stuffed with Feta

In the previous posts, I talked about the goodness of the preserved food and described how I made pickled mushrooms, baby octopus and capcicums as well as chargrilled eggplant. In this post, I’ll talk about another commonly seen antipasto dish, sweet pepper stuffed with feta.



1 kg Baby sweet pepper

250g Lite cream cheese

500g Danish fetta cheese

1 cup sugar

200 mL white vinegar






1. Empty the seeds out of the baby sweet peppers. Make sure all of the seeds and stems are removed as they may contribute to slight hot chilli flavour to the pepper. The pepper itself should taste like capcicum with a sweeter approach.


2. Place the peppers in a large sauce pan and cover with cold water. Add the sugar and vinegar to the sauce pan and bring to boil. Once boiled, the heat was set to low until the peppers are cooked.


3. Pickle the pepper in the fridge for 48 hours before taking out. After pickling, drain the liquor and rinse with cold water. The pepper now should be sweet and slightly sour now.


4. Mix the lite cream cheese and danish fetta until smooth using a hand blender. I used lite cream cheese here because my wife can’t eat too creamy stuff. You can use normal cream cheese instead. You can also add finely chopped herbs to introduce extra layers of flavours.



5. Fill the peppers with the feta and place in a container.



6. Top the containers up with extra virgin olive oil until the peppers are covered. Store in the fridge for approximately 2 days (oil solidified) before serving. When serving, make sure to leave the container at room temperature for a while. The peppers make a good antipasto dish before dinner.



35 thoughts on “Preserved is Better – Sweet Pepper Stuffed with Feta

    1. Thanks Fae. I loved these bell peppers and they taste just fabulous. The best thing is that I don’t waste anything. The oil has already been used as cooking oil now. LOL


      1. Where do get these peppers? I just tried making these with habernero chillies! You can’t eat them!!! I have looked everywhere for seeds or plants!! Help please!!!


  1. the recipe is fabulous…
    one small note though: the name feta is a protected designation of origin for Greece since 2005…
    any other cheese similar to feta from another country should be referred to as white cheese…
    best regards and keep up the good work…


    1. The PDO (protected designation of origin) is only enforceable within the EU.
      Aussie cheese makers are perfectly legally able to sell their feta/fetta as long as they don’t call it that in the EU, and its why danish or bulgarian feta/fetta is available here.

      And ‘feta’ is related to the Italian word for slice and was a word adopted from the venetians…and many peoples other than Greeks make fetta.. including the Danish who make a LOT of it, but name grabbing is another topic 🙂



  2. Great! Have been searching for a recipe for these since becoming addicted to the ones sold on the Coles and woolies deli. But at $40 per kilo I knew there had to be a better way. Especially when the peppers are less than $10 per kilo!

    Trying these tomorrow, thanks 🙂


    1. Yep, same for me here. Got addicted to it. When you pick up the bell peppers, try to find sweet ones. Although the curing process in sugar and vinegar syrup can remove most of the chilli taste of the “hot” bell pepper, they can still be hot. So, choosing some sweet bell pepper would be ideal. I finished a kilo within 3 months. 😀


      1. Hmm thanks for the tip. I did only find hot peppers but I’m not gonna let that stop me!

        Making them right now 😉

        Ps. Really wish I had have read the recipe more thoroughly! I was so excited to sit down and munch on a few of these babies later only to learn I’ve got a good 4 or so days impatiently waiting!!! Oh well. Good things, as they say 😉


      2. Since you only find hot ones, cure in the sugar and vinegar longer. What I found with the hot ones is that they actually release some heat after the inital curing process. Good luck and let me know how you go. Sweet bell peppers are better really. 🙂


    1. For mine, they were finished within 3 months and still kept quite well. Make sure you seal them in olive oil and keep them refrigerated. Glad you like the recipe. Enjoy!


  3. We grew peppers especially for the purpose. Slightly hot but perfect and your recipe was great except our peppers, even after a week in the oil, still have a hard skin which is almost inedible. If they were larger we would have burnt it off in the oven – any suggestions apart from growing a different variety next year. Love your recipes.


  4. These are really fantastic- much better than the bought one! I have grown baby peppers for this and am about to do my second batch!


  5. I am so excited I found this recipe but I think I have bought the spicy peppers. How much longer can I leave them to pickle so they aren’t as hot?


    1. I left in there for 48 hrs for sweet ones. I’d think if you pickle for 1 day longer than that or maybe at least change to a new bowl with new pickling liquid would give you a better result. Good luck and if you can find the sweet ones, they are definitely better to make this dish. One of my friend bought the spicy one and all her final products were hot 😀 She had to have rice with the feta stuffed pepper, which sounds weird though.

      Anyway, enjoy 🙂


  6. Any idea where to get these peppers? I cant find them anywhere!! Im located in melbourne though 😊


      1. I’m in Melbourne too. I’ve never seen them in the shops. I grew mine myself.


  7. To ensure soft skins, before adding sugar and vinegar, heat the peppers and simmer very gently until the skins are soft. It is the sugar which hardens the skins.


  8. Is there anyone could tell me a special name of this Cream Cheese Stuffed Bell Capsicum. I was once told, and when someone brought out at the gathering and I was trying to say the name of this, I totally forgotten. I like it, the hot one is better for me.



  9. I have grown the Mad Hatter snack capsicums this year and had an enormous crop.
    I would like to preserve these using your great recipe with feta cheese etc.
    Can I use this recipe and put into sterilized jars,seal and then keep? If so,how long can I keep them for and are there any other steps I should take to ensure integrity of fruit. Would not like to poison myself or family.


  10. O so happy I came across this. Saw them last year in the deli but rather pricey, then saw a seedling in the nursery called cherry capsicum and planted it expecting them to be the size of cherry tomatoes but when they fruited they were a bit larger. When I bit into one it nearly blew my head off. The plant looked so attractive I decided to keep it growing and gave them away. I found another one with a slightly different name and the picture gave the appearance of being smaller fruit. I am still waiting for it to bear. Recently I chanced to try a bought one at a morning tea. It had a hot hit, but before I could spit it out, the heat was gone. Found out the heat is in the stem, core and seeds. I decided to try to make the stuffed ones but had no idea how to go about it. Then I came upon this post. 🙂 I now have a nice crop of fruit. Can’t wait to try the recipe. Many thanks.😘


  11. Hi. This recipe really looks delicious. I’m going to try it now. Can one also preserve it with the sweet and sour that they were in at first? Olive oil is very expensive here 😦


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